
Metal Detecting Secrets

If you enjoy metal detecting and have your own metal detector, it’s important to understand how it works and how to manage the settings and technical aspects.

Everyone who owns a metal detector and is interested in this field should know the metal detecting secrets.

Metal detecting is a very secretive hobby; people don’t want to tell others about it because they do not want to share their findings.

They want to keep it a secret, even hiding the locations where they are searching so that others would not try to patrol those places.

Nowadays many people will try to sell you their metal detectors but few will actually tell you about their secrets, how they work and how to utilize them in a way that maximizes results.

Manufacturers and authorized sellers sometimes hide information about metal detectors. They provide you with limited information. In this article, we will discuss those secrets about metal detectors.

Below Are The Metal Detecting Secrets You Should Know

The Depth of Detector Vs Soil Mineralization

The depth of metal detectors is affected by soil mineralization. For example, if the particles of sand stick to the magnet quickly, then the soil is mineralized. This mineralized soil affects the depth of metal detectors.

 It could happen in two cases: if the soil is highly mineralized, it can affect the device’s depth and distort it. It would be difficult for the device to balance the ground. Even if the device can balance the ground, the depth will still be compromised.

The second case is if the object is buried underground in highly mineralized soil for a long time. Then the particles around the soil will also be magnetized, and the device will perceive the object as larger in size. This effect is called the Halo effect.

In this effect, a halo of mineralized particles is created around the target object. And your device will perceive the object as being larger in size. As a result, the device will detect the object at a greater depth.

The Iron Rejection Option Is Only for Pure Iron

The iron rejection option is only for pure iron. Iron rejection is only effective against pure iron. You cannot expect that by disabling the iron, the device will also not detect steel.

Steel is a ferrous metal consisting of 60-80% iron, but other metals like chromium and magnesium are mixed in. It is not possible for a device to completely ignore steel.

You can only block the purest form of iron. If you are referring to steel or another iron alloy, not the purest form of iron, then it would not be possible to exclude them from the device.

For these kinds of metals, you require advanced settings. You can apply Notch filters to exclude specific metals from the device.

In beginner-level devices, the filters are somewhat limited, so you can only reject the purest form of iron.

Additional Pin-pointer Vs Built-in

An additional pin-pointer is superior to the built-in one. Most devices come with a built-in pinpointer function.

You do not need to move the device; you can point the device, and the pin-pointer will tell you the exact location of the object.

 However, there is a limitation to this feature. The pin-pointer depends on the coil size. It targets objects in the area covered by the coil.

For example, if the coil is 11 or 15 inches and you are using the pin-pointer function. It will narrow down the radius to 11 or 15 inches and target the objects in that area.

On the other hand, additional pin-pointers are more accurate. They are small and have a 1-inch tip on the top. They can tell you the exact location where you have to dig within a 1-inch radius.

Additional pin-pointers are superior in terms of performance compared to built-in pin-pointers. Built-in pin-pointers might provide greater depth, but additional pin-pointers are more accurate.

So we recommend using an external pin-pointer when out on your metal detecting journey for best results.

Rain Improves Metal Detecting Finds

Rain improves metal detecting finds. You can get more benefits if you search the ground after it rains.

You get stronger signals after rain, and you can detect those signals that were suppressed or missed due to the weather conditions. Water is a good conductor. It transmits strong signals in the soil, making it easier to detect metals after rain.

Check out – Metal Detector Tips for Coins

Optimal Timings for Metal Detecting

Optimal timings for metal detecting are early morning or late at night. Metal detection is best during times when there are fewer people around, so attention is reduced.

For example, beaches and parks. Moreover, during these times, you won’t disturb people’s privacy in public places as they want to spend quality time with their families.

These are great times to work because no one will disturb you, so you can fully focus.

Unrealistic Depth potential

Unrealistic depth potential is sometimes claimed by manufacturers and resellers. They may say an 11-inch coil can reach depths of 20-50 meters or more. But the device’s hardware can’t search that deep. 

Learn the truth about — How deep metal detector can detect?

These claims of unrealistic depths should be questioned. You need to check which technology the device is based on and determine if the technology is authentic.

Additionally, you should align the hardware with the performance to see if they are in sync. 

For example, regarding the 11-inch coil, the maximum potential depth is approximately 4-5 feet (1-1.5 meters), not more than that. Each hardware part and coil can only reach a certain depth.

If someone claims unrealistic depth potential, they’re probably a fraud. To get accurate information, use reliable sources and trust people who give realistic estimates.

Every detectorist should learn How to test a metal detector coil.


Metal Detecting Secrets — Most of the time, manufacturers and sellers will try to hide certain features of metal detectors to sell their products.

They provide minimal information about the device. Therefore, it is essential to research the device whether you are a beginner or a professional. 

Searching in highly mineralized soil compromises the depth potential. Beginner-level device filters are limited, so you can only reject the purest form of iron.

Some highly advanced devices have a Notch feature, but you must learn how to use it. 

Additionally, there are pin-pointers. Additional pin-pointers provide more accurate results than built-in ones.

After it rains, you get stronger signals because water is a good conductor. The ideal time for metal detection is early morning or evening. During these times, you can work quietly, without drawing attention, and fully concentrate on your task.

That’s is for our Guide about Metal Detecting Secrets, for more information check out our other articles.

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